The Smokeless project came about for exactly the reasons as the title suggests. One, I wanted to smoke less and possibly even quit and two, as the direct result of this action I would be surrounded by less smoke. Philosophically speaking I am hoping this small action will somehow provide me with a clearer path to my future. The logic to me being fairly simple. As a roll of 35mm film costs about the same as a box of smokes, I would purchase film instead of smokes and every time I felt like a smoke I would take a photo instead. Besides the obvious health benefits to me, it also forced me to really look for the shot and stretch my mind creatively which sometimes turned out to be far more difficult than I imagined.

The guidelines I set myself for this were fairly simple. 1. Buy whatever film I can find so long as it is fairly cheap. I have been using a lot of Agfa Vista Plus 400 for this project. 2. Try to stick to using one or two cameras. For now I have a Minox 35GL and a Rollei35. Both quirky little cameras but the size is really appealing as they fit in my pocket so I always have them with me. Unfortunately the external flash for the Minox that you can purchase is total rubbish and I have already broken one so I don't anticipate shooting a lot with flash unless I find another camera with a built in flash.