Dubai Street Photography from 2015

Dubai seems to be an interesting place to shoot street photography. I think the next time I would like to concentrate more on portraiture using medium format.

Dubai street photography from a previous trip in 2015. Re-edited to be more in line with the colors that I now prefer. These were shot using a Fujifilm and the classic chrome film simulation but it has always bothered me that the skin tones always seemed too red. I’ve stopped using this film simulation for a while and do all of my color correcting in post.

Japan Street Photography

After dreaming and talking for so long about Japan and all it has to offer I was finally able to visit it and the country did not disappoint. A little bit of everything but especially interesting for me was where the old meet the new. A place that successfully mixes traditional dress, buildings and way of life from hundreds of years ago with vending machines on every street corner that sell everything you could imagine has to be admired in my opinion.

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Krabi Thailand

Beautiful and friendly Thailand. Every time I go to Thailand I enjoy it more and more. The people are always super friendly and respectful, always willing to help in anyway they can. Now trying to find something interesting and authentic to shoot becomes a little tricky when you find yourself in a tourist spot like Krabi but with the help of a great tour guide I managed to get away from the usual more well known places.

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JinZi Jian, Zhejiang China

These days I find myself still shooting half in color and half in black and white. I still can't bring myself to just commit to one because I still feel that there is a need for each but what is strange for me is the fact that I am more inclined to lean towards black and white for landscapes. For the time being I will stick to this, my only concern is that they don't all start to look the same but I guess that is the challenge that we face when trying to be creative.

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South African Bush Getaway

Continuing my time spent in South Africa, we took a little time to get out of the city into the countryside. One of the great things I love about SA is the fact that you can drive for 1 hour and be relatively isolated, no car horns honking, not a person in sight, just lots of blue skies, puffy white clouds and fresh air. Oh and depending where you go, lots of wild animals to be found in game parks.

Another normal day on the Highways in South Africa. Just kidding, the highways have much more traffic that this. Shot with a 35mm lens while steering with my elbows!!!

Another normal day on the Highways in South Africa. Just kidding, the highways have much more traffic that this. Shot with a 35mm lens while steering with my elbows!!!

Always wanted to see what I look like behind the camera, scary stuff!

Always wanted to see what I look like behind the camera, scary stuff!

Taiwan In Color


Taiwan is a great place for so many reasons but the  friendly and polite people definitely has to come at the top of my list, followed closely by the food, great passion for coffee and the shopping was right up there too. The night markets are great and the vibe is awesome. Besides Taipei I was in Hualien and Taroko Gorge. I definitely recommend taking a guide to the gorge as the history is fascinating and something I really didn't expect.

All in all I can't wait to go back, the only bummer for me is that I have to go to Hong Kong every time to ally for my visa but hey, there are worse places than the great Hong Kong to spend your time shooting street photography and eating Cantonese style Chinese food.

The Chiang Kai-Shek memorial.

The Chiang Kai-Shek memorial.

Changing of the Honour Guard at the Chaing Kai-Shek Memorial Hall. 

Changing of the Honour Guard at the Chaing Kai-Shek Memorial Hall. 

Really Interesting looking girl I met on the street. I am looking forward to hopefully shooting her again in the future.

Really Interesting looking girl I met on the street. I am looking forward to hopefully shooting her again in the future.

Yes the water was really that color.

Yes the water was really that color.
