Shadows and Light

It's been a while since my last blog post. In the meantime I've been shooting lots, trying out new ideas that have been floating around in my mind and hoping that I find it as interesting in real life. It has been a time of miserable weather and a bit of a creative slump on my side of the world. To try and get over this slump Have been shooting a bit of street photography when I can. Going back to basics and just looking out for certain colors on certain days. For me it's a lot harder than it sounds because I'm not sure my brain thinks that way but I think that is the point of the exercise.

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Old Fashioned Mo's

Sometime in October, probably over a few Old Fashions, someone came up with the idea to support the Movember cause. For those of you who don't know it's to raise awareness of prostate cancer by growing a moustache for the month of November. Some of us were more successful than others but a laugh was had by all and of course a photo shoot ensued at the end of it to commemorate this historic time. 

Well done lads, and better luck next year to those of us that needed more than 1 month to grow a decent mo.