Japan Street Photography

After dreaming and talking for so long about Japan and all it has to offer I was finally able to visit it and the country did not disappoint. A little bit of everything but especially interesting for me was where the old meet the new. A place that successfully mixes traditional dress, buildings and way of life from hundreds of years ago with vending machines on every street corner that sell everything you could imagine has to be admired in my opinion.

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The Long Road To Consistency

Once again it's been far too long between posts. Life has been crazy for the past 5 months and I have had to learn to manage my time differently. Having said that, as you can see from the lack of posts I haven't been entirely successful but I'm getting better.

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JinZI Jian, Zhejiang In Color

Second part of my blog about Jinzi, this time in colour. Did a lot of playing around in post to see which film feel I like. Some photos suit the portra400 feel others not. I think I should shoot an entire trip with the same feel from now on, almost as if I was shooting a role of film, yeah let's see how that goes in the future.

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Shanghai Streets In Black & White

These days I am really trying hard to push myself to shoot for color but I keep going back to black and white. For me it has so much more depth but this is just my opinion based on my skill set. I think I would consider my color work less strong compared to my black and white work so I have to keep reminding myself to get out of my comfort zone otherwise 2 years from now I will still just be admiring the brilliant work of photographers such as Steve McCurry, JoeyL and Sue Bryce instead of raising my own skill level.

So shoot, shoot and shoot some more, and when you get tired and despondent, pick up your camera and carry on shooting.