Dubai Street Photography

I spent a few days in Dubai, it was my first time not just transiting through the airport. Unfortunately we didn't get to do the desert safari this time. I would have loved to shoot a few portraits of the tribesmen and I am dying to try the roasted goat that is slow cooked in a hole in the ground and coved with sand.

For me the most interesting shots I got were at the souk. It is a pity that it is so geared towards tourists though, I would have liked to see more local people and even where the migrant workers to the country shop for their daily things. On the plus side, food all over was amazing and the weather was great. I have heard that summer is definitely a no go as temperatures go into the 50's and we are talking Celsius!

Have to say that I am loving the Fuji Systems more and more each day for travel photography. Besides the fantastic quality of the photos, the size and weight are great for saving your back and shoulders when you are out the whole day. So Well done FUJI and keep it up!

Be wary of strangers.

Be wary of strangers.

Hand held. I really need to get a travel tripod.

Hand held. I really need to get a travel tripod.

Huang Shan- Yellow Mountain Pt 2

For those of you who have never been to Yellow Mountain, here are a few tips. The cable car does not go all the way to the top no matter what your friends tell you so there will be plenty of hiking. This could cause severe shortness of breath and mocking by friends. It could also cause severe hunger in which case you are advised to eat the mocking friends if they do not throw candy bars at you. Also, the walls in the hotel are paper thin so take ear plugs if you want any sleep. The hike down is just as bad as going up. Don't let the fact that there are groups of 14 year old school girls passing you and giggling make you think any different. What was even more amazing to me were the men walking up the mountain while balancing about 80kgs on bamboo poles over their shoulders. This is the only way that everything gets transported 10km up the mountain. And when I say everything, I mean everything, from roof tiles to whole metal framed sliding doors with the glass inside to all the food and beverages that you have in the hotels.

As far as photography goes, I found it difficult to hold the camera up to my eye while constantly feeling the urge to vomit but I did manage to get a few good shots.

Lessoned learned from this trip... get fitter.

Huang Shan- Yellow Mountain Pt 1

Spent a night in Huang Shan city before heading up the actual mountain. The city wasn't really anything special to be honest, well not that we could find but the people are amazing friendly compared to Shanghai. I will split this post into 2 parts, the second post will be about the actual mountain.

Like a tsunami, the newer, bigger apartment blocks and offices engulf the older more traditional buildings.

Like a tsunami, the newer, bigger apartment blocks and offices engulf the older more traditional buildings.